
Should an app remember its last state after re-opening from background by push notification?

Should an app remember its last state after re-opening from background by push notification?
  1. How to know if app is launched from push notification?
  2. Does Android need permissions for push notifications?

How to know if app is launched from push notification?

The key to detecting if the app was launched via a push notification is the AppDelegate. FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) method, and the options dictionary that's passed in. The options dictionary will have this key in it if it's a local notification: UIApplication.

Does Android need permissions for push notifications?

Freshly installed apps on an Android 13 device must not send a notification without the user approving a permission prompt. If the app targets versions Android 13 and higher, notifications must be blocked until prompted by the app as the app controls when and if to ask for user permission.

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