
What reason could Nintendo have had for putting the A and B buttons in a non-alphabetical order?

What reason could Nintendo have had for putting the A and B buttons in a non-alphabetical order?
  1. Why did Nintendo Switch the A and B buttons?
  2. Can you switch the A and B buttons on switch?
  3. Why is Nintendo controller B then A?
  4. Why do Controllers have XYAB?

Why did Nintendo Switch the A and B buttons?

Because Nintendo had the A, B, X, Y control scheme first. SEGA had ABC XYZ for there controller during the SNES days, and then SEGA switched to ABXY. But Nintendo had those buttons first.

Can you switch the A and B buttons on switch?

From the HOME Menu, select System Settings and then Controllers and Sensors. Select Change Button Mapping. On the left side of the screen select a controller, then select Change.

Why is Nintendo controller B then A?

This means that the left hand is working left to right (ltr) and subsequently the right hand is working right to left (rtl) in terms of thumb access. Making it A then B from the right hand side.

Why do Controllers have XYAB?

Our history begins in 1983 when the Nintendo NES controller was released, containing just a directional pad, an A button, and a B button. This was just a way of differentiating the two, which still makes sense.

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