
Difference between checkbox and radio button in android

Difference between checkbox and radio button in android

Checkboxes allow the user to choose items from a fixed number of alternatives, while radio buttons allow the user to choose exactly one item from a list of several predefined alternatives.

  1. What is the difference between radio button and checkbox?
  2. What are check boxes and radio buttons in Android?
  3. Why would you choose a radio button instead of a checkbox?
  4. Which is better radio buttons checkboxes?

What is the difference between radio button and checkbox?

In a checkbox group, a user can select more than one option. Each checkbox operates individually, so a user can toggle each response "on" and "off." Radio buttons, however, operate as a group and provide mutually exclusive selection values. A user can select only one option in a radio button group.

What are check boxes and radio buttons in Android?

In android, CheckBox control allow users to change the state of control either Checked or Unchecked but the radio button cannot be unchecked once it is checked. Generally, we can use RadioButton controls in an android application to allow users to select only one option from the set of values.

Why would you choose a radio button instead of a checkbox?

For example, you should use radio buttons when you want the user to be able to select only one option from the available choices. In contrast, if you're giving multiple selection choices to your users, you should use the checkboxes field.

Which is better radio buttons checkboxes?

When should you use radio buttons or checkboxes? This relies entirely on what question you are asking. If you want your users to select multiple options, use checkboxes. If you want your users to select only one option, use radio buttons (or another alternative).

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