La personne

What should you do if you have to communicate with a visually challenged guest

What should you do if you have to communicate with a visually challenged guest

Speak directly to the person not through a companion, guide, or other individual. Speak to the person using a natural conversational tone and speed. Do not speak loudly and slowly unless the person also has a hearing impairment. Address the person by name when possible.

  1. What should you do if you communicate with a visually challenged guest?
  2. In what ways does visual impairment affect communication?

What should you do if you communicate with a visually challenged guest?

DO give a clear word picture when describing things to an individual with vision loss. Include details such as color, texture, shape and landmarks. DO touch them on the arm or use their name when addressing them. This lets them know you are speaking to them, and not someone else in the room.

In what ways does visual impairment affect communication?

These types of non-verbal messages may be lost or misunderstood by people with poor vision. Both people in the conversation are then prone to misinterpretation. Imagine not being able to see someone roll his eyes when making a sarcastic remark.

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