
What is better? Login with Phone or Email or Both?

What is better? Login with Phone or Email or Both?

Phone number authentication is a more secure authentication method than email authentication because it is much easier to learn about an internet user with their email address than their phone number.

  1. Is phone number or email more secure?
  2. Should I use email or username for login?
  3. Is logging in with Google more secure?
  4. Why use email as username?

Is phone number or email more secure?

Should Voice Be Secure By Default? If you think a phone call is more secure than sending an email, think again. Voice calls can be the least secure way to communicate. Learn more.

Should I use email or username for login?

Usernames Are Used Across Sites

If your login has an email only field you can benefit as well. Allowing users to log in with a username would help users who forget which email they used to sign up. Users have many email addresses and can't always remember which ones they used for which sites.

Is logging in with Google more secure?

Is it better to sign in with Google or email? From a privacy and data security standpoint, it's better to sign in with your email address, using a throwaway email for added privacy. From a convenience standpoint, it may be slightly easier and quicker to sign in with Google.

Why use email as username?

Email addresses are useful as users should already remember then and they don't have to think about anything. This is useful if you don't have a "username" on your app. Example: Paypal or Dropbox, where no user name is needed to use these apps and the email is the best way to connect with other people.

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