
Should table headers be centered

Should table headers be centered

Column headings should be center aligned. 3 rules for a table: The main title should be centered, all caps, and bold. The horizontal arrangement of information in a table is a row. The vertical arrangement of information in a table is a column.

  1. Should table content be centered?
  2. Should tables be left aligned or centered?
  3. How do I align a table header?

Should table content be centered?

Left-align text, right-align numbers, and align headings with data. In the spirit of treating tables as artefacts to be read, don't centre text within tables. Align table text as you would anywhere else; that is, aligned left.

Should tables be left aligned or centered?

Left-align the information in the leftmost column or stub column of the table body (but center the heading). In general, center information in all other cells of the table. However, left-align the information if doing so would improve readability, particularly when cells contain lots of text.

How do I align a table header?

The HTML <th> align Attribute is used to set the horizontal alignment of text content inside the table header cell. Attribute Values: left: It sets the text left-align. right: It sets the text right-align.

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