
Should new users in a message thread see previous messages?

Should new users in a message thread see previous messages?
  1. Can a new added member see old messages?
  2. Can new members of iMessage group see old messages?
  3. When you add someone to a text thread can they see previous messages?
  4. When you add someone to an Iphone conversation can they see previous messages?

Can a new added member see old messages?

When you add people to a group conversation, they'll be able to see the previous messages in that conversation, except for disappearing photos and videos. Learn how to report messages or block someonein a group.

Can new members of iMessage group see old messages?

Add New Members to a Group iMessage Chat

After entering the group, new members can't see any previous messages, but they can receive and reply to any new ones.

When you add someone to a text thread can they see previous messages?

When you send a new message to the group, that new person will be now be added to those future message threads (and no, they can not see the prior messages and conversation).

When you add someone to an Iphone conversation can they see previous messages?

No, your friend will not be able to see the previous message history. Messages are normally sent from the server (being iCloud or the cellular provider), and then are deleted. They are not saved and re-sent when you add a device to the message account or conversation. Thanks again and have a great rest of your day.

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