
Should data tables have separate columns for each object field?

Should data tables have separate columns for each object field?
  1. What should a data table include?
  2. What is field or column in database?
  3. What is the purpose of data table?

What should a data table include?

A data table is a document comprising columns, rows and cells that contain specific values. They store information that people can retrieve later and update as needed. The data table title, column headers and row headers can help a user understand the information in the table more clearly.

What is field or column in database?

A column is a collection of cells alligned vertically in a table. A field is an element in which one piece of information is stored, such as the received field. Usually a column in a table contains the values of a single field. However, you can show several fields in a column by using a Formula or a Combination field.

What is the purpose of data table?

Data tables are used in Excel to display a range of outputs given a range of different inputs. They are commonly used in financial modeling and analysis to assess a range of different possibilities for a company, given uncertainty about what will happen in the future.

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