
Send apns push notification postman

Send apns push notification postman
  1. How do I send push notifications using apns?
  2. What is APNS notification?
  3. How do I check my APNS push notifications online?

How do I send push notifications using apns?

Use the alert push type for notifications that trigger a user interaction—for example, an alert, badge, or sound. If you set this push type, the apns-topic header field must use your app's bundle ID as the topic. For more information, see Generating a remote notification.

What is APNS notification?

Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is a cloud service that allows approved third-party apps installed on Apple devices to send push notifications from a remote server to users over a secure connection. For example, a newstand app might use APNs to send a text alert to an iPhone user about a breaking news story.

How do I check my APNS push notifications online?

PushTry is an online testing tool which helps you to test APNS and GCM online from your browser. This is one of the simple and powerful online push notification testing tool available on the internet. PushTry supports major functionalities to test APNS and GCM. If you want us to add any feature then please contact us.

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