
On a home page How critical is it that all the main goals of a site are in some way represented above the fold?

On a home page How critical is it that all the main goals of a site are in some way represented above the fold?
  1. Why is it important to show most of the important information above the fold in web design?
  2. What should go above the fold on a website?
  3. Does above the fold matter?

Why is it important to show most of the important information above the fold in web design?

Why is above the fold important? Content layout and placement is important because content that appears above the fold is what is first visible when a user loads the page. It is prime real estate that gets the most attention from users.

What should go above the fold on a website?

'Above the fold' refers to the section of your site that first greets users when they land on a page. The content above the fold is the header, text, imagery, or video that's visible before users have to scroll. Ideally, it should convey what an organization does and its associated benefits.

Does above the fold matter?

Studies have shown that 80% of time spent on a site is spent above the fold. As visitors scroll further down the page, their attention span shortens, and they lose interest resulting in lower time on site and higher bounce rates.

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