
Nielsen net promoter score

Nielsen net promoter score

Nielsen's Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a 7 with 45% Promoters, 17% Passives, and 38% Detractors. Net Promoter Score tracks whether Nielsen's customers would recommend using the product based on a scale of -100 to 100.

  1. What is a good Net Promoters Score?
  2. How do I find a Net Promoter Score?
  3. What are the 3 Net Promoter Score categories?

What is a good Net Promoters Score?

Any NPS score above 0 is "good". It means that your audience is more loyal than not. Anything above 20 is considered "favourable". Bain & Co, the source of the NPS system, suggests that above 50 is excellent, and above 80 is world class.

How do I find a Net Promoter Score?

Add up the total responses from each group. To get the percentage, take the group total and divide it by the total number of survey responses. Now, subtract the percentage total of Detractors from the percentage total of Promoters—this is your NPS score.

What are the 3 Net Promoter Score categories?

Based on the number that is given, the customer is then placed into one of the three categories: Promoter, Passive, or Detractor. These categories describe how the customer feels about the product or service, their loyalty to the company, and whether or not they would recommend it.

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