
Jira filter order by

Jira filter order by
  1. What is order by in JQL?
  2. How do I sort by priority in Jira?
  3. What is order by rank in Jira?

What is order by in JQL?

JQL has a keyword ORDER BY that tells Jira to sort the results. The above query could be extended to include sorting: project = Pipeline AND fixVersion = “Current Sprint” AND status = open ORDER BY priority, assignee.

How do I sort by priority in Jira?

You can use ORDER BY priority DESC to show the highest priority issues in your search first. The order in which priorities appear is based on the priority scheme configuration for that project, so if "Critical" is considered the highest-listed priority in your project's configuration, they should appear first.

What is order by rank in Jira?

There is a (mostly hidden) field called "global rank". If you re-rank things (usually by moving them on a board), then that field is updated, and that's what Jira sorts on when you use "order by rank". New issues automatically take a new rank at the bottom of the pile when created.

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