
Is the charging port in Apple's Magic mouse a design failure?

Is the charging port in Apple's Magic mouse a design failure?
  1. Why did Apple design the mouse charger on bottom?
  2. What is the lifespan of an Apple Magic Mouse?
  3. How do I fix my Magic Mouse not charging?
  4. Why does the Magic Mouse 2 have a charger on the bottom?

Why did Apple design the mouse charger on bottom?

The Charging port of the Apple Magic Mouse 2 is designed underneath in order to make it not usable while charging the device.

What is the lifespan of an Apple Magic Mouse?

The Magic Mouse 2 uses a lithium ion battery and generally speaking those have a useful life of 3 to 5 years1. That said, it's important to note that: Apple products (including accessories) have a 1 year warranty.

How do I fix my Magic Mouse not charging?

First, ensure you have turned on the power outlet button and the charging cable isn't loosely connected. Alternatively, use a different power outlet and see if it works. On the other hand, if you have connected the mouse to your Mac, its USB could be faulty. So, try changing the USB port to charge your mouse.

Why does the Magic Mouse 2 have a charger on the bottom?

I get why Apple decided to place the charging port on the bottom of the mouse. There simply wasn't enough room to place it on the front of the mouse and still maintain the current design. For me, the Magic Mouse has a perfect design; I simply love this thing.

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