
Image sizes - desktop vs. tablet

Image sizes - desktop vs. tablet

The most common Tablet resolution is 2048x1536, the most common desktop resolution is probably 1920x1080. The most common laptop resolution is probably slightly less.

  1. What is the best image size for mobile?
  2. What is the best size for an image on a website?

What is the best image size for mobile?

Mobile devices display banner images well when they are 1:9, 1:1, 1:1, or 4:5. It also helps to remember that file sizes of images should be kept as small as possible without compromising on quality.

What is the best size for an image on a website?

Best image size for websites

Pixel width: 2500 pixels is perfect for stretching full-screen across a browser in most cases. Any image smaller than that might get cut off or appear blurry if it needs to fill the browser width.

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