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How many columns are in the artist table

How many columns are in the artist table

There are two columns in the artist table.

  1. What does the asterisk (*) After select tell the database to do in this query?
  2. What playlist name appears in row 6 of your query result?
  3. What is the duration in seconds of the track with ID number 3408?
  4. What does the asterisk (*) After select tell the database to do in this query quizlet?

What does the asterisk (*) After select tell the database to do in this query?

SELECT used with an asterisk (*) will return all of the columns in the table we're querying.

What playlist name appears in row 6 of your query result?

What playlist name appears in row 6 of your query result? Correct: The clause DISTINCT name will remove duplicate entries from the name column. The complete query is SELECT DISTINCT name FROM playlist ORDER BY playlist_id. The DISTINCT clause removes duplicate entries from your query result.

What is the duration in seconds of the track with ID number 3408?

The duration of the track with Id number 3408 is 120 seconds.

What does the asterisk (*) After select tell the database to do in this query quizlet?

The asterisk tells the database to select all data in the table.

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