
Help needed in case of designing a site for Hospital [closed]

Help needed in case of designing a site for Hospital [closed]
  1. What are some of the things you d consider when designing the architecture for a medical system?
  2. Why it is important for a hospital to have a website?

What are some of the things you d consider when designing the architecture for a medical system?

The best architectural firms consider several factors as they design the building, including staff workflows, location, treatment options, and the community's needs. Modern medical facilities are becoming much more community-driven and provide a greater number of specialized services to patients.

Why it is important for a hospital to have a website?

With 89% of patients in the US Googling their health symptoms before going to their doctor, your hospital website is essential to serving your community's needs and providing accurate and trustworthy information. There's no room for content errors or slow internet speed when it comes to people's health and well-being.

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