La navigation

Global navigation that changes for logged in users - Good idea?

Global navigation that changes for logged in users - Good idea?
  1. What are the benefits of global navigation?
  2. What is global navigation on a website?
  3. What is the difference between global navigation and local navigation?

What are the benefits of global navigation?

Benefits or advantages of GNSS

It provides more access and availability of signals to operators. ➨GNSS provides accurate timing information which is utilized to develop high precision IoT network. ➨Multiple GNSS constellations improve availability of navigation solution. This improves TTFF(Time to First Fix).

What is global navigation on a website?

Traditionally, global navigation appears on every page of a website, and serves 2 functions: Allows users to switch between top-level categories easily, no matter their current location. Ensures that even users who don't enter through the homepage can quickly get a sense of what is available on the website.

What is the difference between global navigation and local navigation?

Global navigation refers to the top navigation which is there at the top side on your page, and local navigation is on the left side of the page. Local navigation is as per the content of your local site.

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