
Expandable\accordion table row example [closed]

Expandable\accordion table row example [closed]
  1. Can a table row expand and close?
  2. How do I make a table row expandable?
  3. How to expand and collapse a HTML table rows on click angular?
  4. How to expand and collapse multiple rows in table using java script?

Can a table row expand and close?

Yes, a table row can slide up and down, but it's ugly since it changes the shape of the table and makes everything jump.

How do I make a table row expandable?

The expandable table can be achieved by using JavaScript with HTML. By Clicking on a row of the table, it expands and a sub-table pops up. When the user again clicks on that row the content will hide. This can be very useful when the data is complex but it is inter-related.

How to expand and collapse a HTML table rows on click angular?

For keeping the table row expanded until you click on the row to collapse, you just need boolean flag on each element array. I would suggest to create property under your array as false and set it to toggle on click of row.

How to expand and collapse multiple rows in table using java script?

All rows are collapsed by default. Assign an array of keys to the expandedRowKeys property to expand specific rows initially. If a to-be-expanded row lies deep in the hierarchy, make sure to include keys of all its parent rows as well. Set the autoExpandAll property to true if all rows should be expanded initially.

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