
Disable buttons while data loading

Disable buttons while data loading
  1. How do I disable a button while loading in React?
  2. How to disable a button on page load using JavaScript?
  3. Why you shouldn't use disabled buttons?
  4. Is it OK to GREY out disabled buttons?

How do I disable a button while loading in React?

then(()=> setLoad(false)); >Login</button> </div> ); export default App; This will disable the button till the validation gets completed.

How to disable a button on page load using JavaScript?

Code Explanation

1. Now, using javascript we store a reference to each element, namely input, and button. 2. By default a button's state is enabled in HTML so by setting disabled = true, we have disabled the button for the user.

Why you shouldn't use disabled buttons?

Bad accessibility

Grey buttons with gray labels can easily fail to meet color contrast recommendations for text. Sometimes disabled buttons are designed in a way that they cannot be read by a screen reader (buttons are not focusable, and hence users can't reach them with a keyboard).

Is it OK to GREY out disabled buttons?

For a smooth and seamless experience, it's best to avoid graying out your disabled buttons. Instead, you should decrease the opacity to make it transparent. When the disabled button is transparent, users can see some semblance of the button in its enabled state.

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