La ligne

CSS new line

CSS new line
  1. How to break line in CSS?
  2. What is \n line break?
  3. How do you add a line in CSS?

How to break line in CSS?

Values. /* Keyword values */ line-break: auto; line-break: loose; line-break: normal; line-break: strict; line-break: anywhere; /* Global values */ line-break: inherit; line-break: initial; line-break: unset; auto : This lets the browser decide how it implements line breaks.

What is \n line break?

But what is \n exactly? The newline character ( \n ) is called an escape sequence, and it forces the cursor to change its position to the beginning of the next line on the screen. This results in a new line.

How do you add a line in CSS?

Adding the Horizontal line using CSS Properties: In this case, we will be using the border-style Property to create the horizontal line. We can either use the border-top property that specifies the style of the top border or the border-bottom property, which can set the style of the bottom border of an element.

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