
Brand perception model

Brand perception model
  1. What is brand perception theory?
  2. What are the components of brand perception?
  3. What is Keller's CBBE model?

What is brand perception theory?

Brand perception is the sum of a consumer's feelings, experiences, and thoughts about a product or service. It's what people believe a brand represents, rather than what a brand says it represents.

What are the components of brand perception?

During the interview, I outlined four elements that work together to create a brand's perception in the customer's mind: bias, model, product, and behavior.

What is Keller's CBBE model?

The brand equity model by Keller is also known as the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model. The tool helps companies find the way to build a strong brand by shaping how their customers think and feel about them. The model helps you identify the stage your brand belongs to and what you should do to move further up.

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