
Best Third Button Placement in Website

Best Third Button Placement in Website
  1. Where do you put buttons on a website?
  2. Should next button be on left or right?
  3. Where should back buttons be?
  4. What is the best button size for web?

Where do you put buttons on a website?

Therefore, it is crucial to follow the same approach in placing buttons on the webpage, that is, to the left rather than the right. Doing so is essential because the left will always attract more website users. It is also crucial to avoid the clutter of call-to-action buttons all-round the webpage.

Should next button be on left or right?

This also means that when elements are presented in a row, the most important items (e.g. the Next button) should be presented on the left. Left aligning the primary action will ensure that it comes first whether buttons are inline or stacked.

Where should back buttons be?

Right: back button above the form (good). Some forms or questionnaires appear across multiple pages and some people want to go back to check or change their answers.

What is the best button size for web?

Studies by the MIT Touch Lab suggests that 10mm x 10mm is the best minimum size for buttons due to the average size of fingertips. Designing buttons must not only be pleasing to the eye, but they also need to make tactile sense for the user.

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