
Accessibility of in-field labels and help text labels in input forms

Accessibility of in-field labels and help text labels in input forms
  1. How do labels help with accessibility?
  2. How do I make an input field accessible?
  3. What are accessible labels?
  4. Should input fields have labels?

How do labels help with accessibility?

The label of a <button> element is set inside the element and can include markup. This allows more advanced accessibility hints to be included, like marking up language change. When using the <input> element to create buttons, the label is set in the value attribute of the element.

How do I make an input field accessible?

Ideally, present only one or two inputs per line for users with limited vision who have trouble scanning the screen horizontally. Ensure that your color/contrast ratios and typography are accessible. Each fieldset should have a legend element (directly under the first fieldset tag) that describes the grouping.

What are accessible labels?

What is an accessibility label? An accessibility label is text you need to enter for certain answer components. The purpose of the label is to be instructive and make it clear what the respondent needs to do to answer the question.

Should input fields have labels?

Effective form labels are required to make forms accessible. The purpose of form elements such as checkboxes, radio buttons, input fields, etcetera, is often apparent to sighted users, even if the form element is not programmatically labeled. Screen readers users require useful form labels to identify form fields.

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