
60-30-10 rule ui design

60-30-10 rule ui design

The 60–30–10 Rule The idea is simple —when you choose a new color palette, the 60% of the palette should be dedicated to one color (usually, it's a neutral color), another (complementary) color makes up 30% of the palette, and a third color (accent) is used for the remaining 10% of the design.

  1. How do I choose an accent color for UI design?
  2. What are the rules of the color wheel?
  3. What is accent color in UI?

How do I choose an accent color for UI design?

The idea is simple. To bring the balance into the composition, the colors should be combined in the proportion of 60%–30%–10%. The biggest part should go to the dominant hue, the third of the composition takes secondary color and 10% percent goes to the color which helps to make the accents.

What are the rules of the color wheel?

The Color Wheel and How It Works

Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. These colors are pure, which means you can't create them from other colors, and all other colors are created from them. Between the equidistant primary color spokes on the color wheel are secondary colors: orange, green, and violet.

What is accent color in UI?

Accent colors are colors used to emphasize some UI elements such as buttons or progress bars, or to highlight some information. Accent colors usually have more brightness and saturation — such visual properties make UI elements pop off the screen and encourage user interactions.

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